Generated CSS

box-shadow: 10px 10px 5px 2px rgba( 92, 92, 92 , 1 );

FAQs about Box Shadow Generator

We did some research and collected some of the most important FAQs (Frequently asked questions) about the CSS attribute box shadow.

Do you have a question about the CSS box shadow? We might have the answer here:

Technically a box shadow can be put on nearly every HTML element.
However we would recommend you to use it mostly on div-elements or button-elements.
The reasons for this rule are:

  • Usually an element with a box shadow is used to group several elements, therefore the div-element which wraps all that content should have the box shadow attribute.
  • Buttons often use a box-shadow (especially on hover state) to grab the attention of the website user.

The box shadow CSS attribute consists of several parameters which are added together into one CSS attribute. We now could list all the options of this box-shadow, but that´s boring.

We recommend you to try it out: play around with the box shadow attribute by yourself and check the our generated CSS code. You will learn much more by this hands-on mentality!

Try out box shadow generator

It is possible to create a box shadow which only shows when you hover an element. You can try this out easily with our box shadow generator!

We have a "normal" section for the default state and we made a "hover" button just for you!

Try out box shadow generator

This one is easy: Just use our Generator for CSS Box Shadow and you can easily create CSS Code for Box Shadows.

This often happens to developers who are new to CSS. If you cannot see your box shadow, you should ask yourself:

  • Is the Syntax of my box shadow correct?
    Just try out our Box Shadow Generator and paste the correct code into your CSS - did it work?
  • Is there any element (usually a div-element) with a higher z-index which could overlap the targeted element?
  • Is my CSS code even included into my website?
    This happens all the time, no need to panic. Just check, if you included your CSS file in the most suitable way. Usually this means including it via the head-element as you can find out here.
    Example for external inclusion for your CSS code:
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="mystyle.css">

Yes, you can! Awesome, right?

Do you want to code multiple box shadows or simply a different box shadow for the hover state with a nice transition?

We included these features in our generator.

Try out box shadow transition

In order to delete your box shadow simply delete the line with the "box-shadow"-attribute in your CSS code.

Whenever you have several items, which have a low contrast to the surrounding area or simply should grab more attention.

Reason: the box shadow attribute adds contrast to the element and helps to get more attention.